Sunday, August 30, 2015

Blogger API and the Future of this Blog

Before I moved over to the WordPress platform, my website was published to the web via FTP on my own servers. All content data entry was handled at Blogger, but the look and feel of the site was handled via custom Php scripting elsewhere. This gave me complete control over the Html of the site without having to wade through the Blogger template logic, which quite frankly, pretty much sucks.

Now there is the Blogger API and it is at version 3. I may revisit this idea again and use this site to relay that information to the public. Before I do that of course, and as the time of this writing, I do see that I need a new template for this site. I haven't looked at it for a few years and it looks down-right horrible.

It appears that I will also have to reacquaint myself with the Blogger platform all over again. The publishing backend has changed quite a bit over the last few years and I am really digging it.

Now on to that API! And if anyone knows of a nice template to use here, drop me a comment below.